From: Ken Oliphant <>
Date: 29/03/2010 15:21:17 UTC
Subject: ODG: JETL Inaugural Issue

Dear All
I am delighted to announced the publication of the Inaugural Issue of the new Journal of European Tort Law (JETL). For details of contents and **free** online access, see below.
JETL 2010, Issue 1 - Contents:


Helmut Koziol/Ken Oliphant, Preface (2010) 1 JETL 1

Lord Bingham of Cornhill, The Uses of Tort (2010) 1 JETL 3

Nils Jansen, The Concept of Non-Contractual Obligations: Rethinking the Divisions of Tort, Unjustified Enrichment, and Contract Law (2010) 1 JETL 16

Vaia Karapanou/Louis Visscher, Towards a Better Assessment of Pain and Suffering Damages (2010) 1 JETL 48

Michael G Faure/Niels J Philipsen, Fees for Claim Settlement in the Field of Personal Injury: Empirical Evidence from the Netherlands (2010) 1 JETL 75

Ulrich Magnus, Why is US Tort Law so Different?  (2010) 1 JETL 102


Free Online Access:


The entire content of the first issue is available for free online for a limited time to anyone who registers on the website: On registration, you will be sent an email confirmation with a link to activate your online access. The links will not work until you have done so.


Please take a look - and encourage your colleagues and students to do so too! I hope you like what you see.  I also hope that those of you with relevant research interests will submit suitable papers to the Journal for publication.


See here for further info and links:


The Journal will be officially launched at next week's Annual Conference on European Tort Law, for which registration is still possible:


Best wishes


Institute for European Tort Law 
Reichsratsstrasse 17/2, A-1010 Vienna, Austria 
Tel. (+43-1) 4277-29 662, Fax (+43-1) 4277-29 670